#2022soundslike Love, Peace and Asylums
It’s been the worst of times. It can also be the best of times thanks to the music and arts world kicking back against creeping dystopia.
#2022soundslike *possibility and potential* to TheZineUK doc.
ASYLUMS are a band who are blessed with radiating both.
If you’re fresh to TheZineUK story, it’s about a newer wave of music industrious. Pro-active (and inclusive) future shaping is a vibrant movement on the grassroots venue circuit. With six degrees of separation and three degrees of celebration, these interdependent stars (and what they create) twinkle even brighter these last few years.
Asylums are instigators and connectors.
You can google search #anothercoolthing to find another and another cool thing pumping from the band’s growing music catalogue and their own Cool Thing Records independent label and community.
TheZineUK begins 2022’s articles catching up with front man, Luke Branch. A musician, magician and marketing maverick who makes a lot of people feel good already. He sets up our collective next chapter’s tone perfectly.
I’m eager to know what’s in store for 2022 and get a heads-up:
“This year it is my intention to release the fourth Asylums album with my friends in the band and my friends at the label. It's my favourite record I've written and that we have made since the first Asylums album. I've spent several months creating a unique plan for how it will be released, sketching cover concepts down and developing video ideas. Hopefully everything goes according to plan.
I am also very involved with the release of the 2nd BAIT album, both playing wise and on a label level....it's a super cool record which I love.
I am going to work with our label roster to get as much music out for them as possible too. I'll continue the arts advocacy Cool Thing Presents radio show for Soho Radio, and my soundtrack work with Jen from Indian Queens as well as my music marketing work with Mike and Hayley from Cool Thing.
Away from music I'll be practicing meditation, learning to cook, staying straight edge, parenting, painting, reading new books, and trying to be generally kinder to myself than in the past.
2021 was a punisher, I want 2022 to be about peace, love and art.”
(Luke Branch, Asylums)
It’s a yes from us, too. We’re all looking forward to making as best a year as is possible. It helps that Asylums are one of our inspirations looking forward in every way. Like TheZineUK (+ Music Venue Trust, +Independent Venue Week), Cool Thing Records started in 2014. Maybe there was something cosmic and kinetic in the music world air because it’s been an unbelievable movie of a time ever since and they are ALL key, interdependent threads of this tapestry.
Asylums (included in the home page picture slideshow of this website) are an essence of Normal Island’s rock soundtrack: https://linktr.ee/Asylumsband
Jazz Miell (Guitar), Luke Branch (Vocals / Guitar), Michael Webster (Bass), Henry Tyler: Asylums photographed by Kana Waiwaiku