SXSW 2023, a Favourite PIPELINE
SXSW Festival 2023
“basically the best upcoming bands always hit SXSW and you get the chance to see them all before they go stratospheric.”
(Kelly Munro, End Of The Trail Creative)
Three years since lockdown shock-drown we consistently adapt to these interesting times. New songs and live thrills keep coming, though. Got a memory of SXSW festival being on line at some point, but for 2023, it’s firing on all cylinders again. Springy.
1/9 Chris Hawkins, BBC positivity!
Britain and Ireland are repping big time. Sure, there is an element of worry hanging over our shit-coasted isles like a dystopian cloud of menace but the opposition to inhumanity (from Feargal Sharkey to a footy team of rebellion) is an uplifting parallel story. Alt MOBOs nominee, Kid Bookie is appearing at the British Music Embassy on 13th March. A staple events promoter of SXSW.
2/9 New Order are playing on 15th March
So many newer wave artists are exciting alt rock fans internationally. Having caught Wynona Bleach a few times pre pandemic at Kick Out The Jams it’s a yay to see their progress, via signing to the famed Fierce Panda label, to be part of this year’s tales from America.
Inclusively for the local community, there are also free/unofficial events happening throughout the week…
3/9 Looks like a bit of a gathering spot and hang out! Check the Vancerts video clip!
This years “Spring Across The Pond” adventures - New Colossus Fest on NYC’s Lower East Side and SXSW in Austin Texas - seem even more loaded with potential, than ever.
One of the bands appearing at both events are Noah and the Loners. It’s a thrill to see even more acclaim for their new single, ‘Protest Anger’, which couldn’t be a more timely release. It’s a car-chase tempo rant beat mantra-normous punk classic that deserves to be played on the front benches of parliament: “This countries in doomsday danger”.
4/9 No excuse to miss them!
There are a myriad of modern songs relevant to our gas-lit (but not gas warmed) lives. We’ve nowhere left to punch, but up. Rhythmically. The resulting Fertile Environment is an increasing reality despite our Hostile Environment hurtling towards some kinda pre-arranged, dehumanised centenary. Help!
Future festival line ups need help climbing the bills.
The music talent “pipeline” that Glastonbury referred to, is audible, visible, flowing, diverse, ambitious and yes, punchy! Many next favourites from this side of the pond are gonna be in small Austin venues. Being enjoyed, discovered, experienced.
5/9 Lucky that many of the bands are playing various showcases. There;s SO much on!
Getting abroad may become even harder in the near future. So if you make it to SXSW, dance hard like the last hurrah at the fall of civilisation and the music world will rise like a phoenix from the energy.
6/9 Drogheda in the area!
Various bands (and Clunk Magazine) have made extra special fund raising efforts to be at SXSW 2023. Others are literally gambling on having a great adventure at the very least - with any results as a bonus.
One of the biggest music festivals in the world, SXSW is a magnetic but largely unattainable rock n roll day dream for some. Out of 7,000 applicants, 1,500 bands play at a variety of venues, conferences, workshops, parties and random events as Austin becomes a giant urban party of sounds.
UK mover shakers who drive this music movement, like End Of The Trail and Abbie McCarthy’s Good Karma Club are among regular “South By” promoters. That’s some attraction!
7/9 Aah, lovely Abbie xx
What’s the SXSW word?
Kelly Munro of End Of The Trail Creative says
“End Of The Trail is now into the fifth year we have been putting a stage on at SXSW and we've had bands signed at the festival in the past, so from an industry point of view it works very well for us. The main booker, Dev, is lovely and makes the whole thing just great and super fun.
It's definitely my favourite festival of the year. We've now roped in our buddies at Fierce Panda who showcase directly next door to us. They have a venue called Seven Grand and we have a venue called Las Perlas. Joined together at the back of both venues.
One is a tequila bar and one is a whisky bar which makes for good fun!
Also we get to hang with our mates who have stages like Focus Wales, Alcopop, Post Electric, Scruff Of The Neck and loads more.
8/9 Scruff Of The Neck strength to strength
(…/continued: Kelly Munro, End Of The Trail Creative)
There's a worldwide feel to the whole event as basically the best upcoming bands always hit SXSW and you get the chance to see them all before they go stratospheric.
Watching Wet Leg at the BME (hello Phil & PC!) in 2022 was particularly good as we got the best seats in the house (or the best balcony!)
If you are new to SXSW get the app. It'll help you locate where you wanna be but there is so much going on that it's easy to just wander around and see what hits you.
If you've never been you really should go at least once. It's kind of a Glastonbury thing. Bucket list it. You won't regret it.”
SXSW 2023 - arts, culture, technology, sport and ideas, fusing in real time during history’s most historic age. Humans need music and that part of the event is loaded with must-see/must-book/must-sign goodness to keep the #FertileEnvironment seeding - watch this space. #SXSW2023
9/9 Legendary Already. End Of The Fierce Panda Trail!