A positive beat: Matthew McCrilly of MOSES
Continuing TheZineUK doc’s ongoing theme of positivity for balance with a creator of powerful rhythms, Matthew McCrilly of the rock band, MOSES.
The positivity includes the encouraging welcome back that the band received after a break while new songs were being mixed. Their following is as much a part of the story as the musicians involved.
Magic Garden Recording Studio
New single, ‘Guilty’ (recently reviewed here by Ruby Blue), is first taste of a new, as yet untitled album which is due for release later this year.
The LP was recorded (again!) with producer/mentor, Gavin Monaghan at his Magic Garden Studios in Wolverhampton.
Recently Led Zepellin’s Robert Plant was there.
Hearing the way that ‘Guilty’ jumps out of speakers, a classic rock music connection is made.
With the uplifting energy of their songs, MOSES make people feel good.
Laying down the beats that keep winning streams at their Spotify (even with a year away from releasing and gigging) is one of the band’s co-founders.
From Dungannon in the North of Ireland to radio play, appearing on festival stages, movie soundtracks, great reviews so far, and - to great response - premiering some of the new MOSES album in USA last year, a unique musical journey continues.
Things are far from easy for most musicians right now, unless you’re at the top! For the tenacious MOSES, it is - to judge early feedback for their new song, ‘Guilty’ - definitely worth it.
TheZineUK asked Matthew about his origin story…
Z: “Where did you first start to learn drums and who were your early influences?
MM: “I originally started at home, playing on paint tins, jamming to Linkin Park and Metallica . Then i went for lessons in school and loved it.”
From there things go to MOSES fans playing drum covers of Matthew’s stylish percussion on social media. There’s a variety show of beats fused into the band’s sound but the overall effect makes people move - this is so obvious at gigs.
Z: Your rhythms make people dance, is that a conscious thing when creating the recordings?
MM: “Yes its something I’m very conscious of, rhythm is primal and deep. For me its a balance of finding the groove/feel that supports the song and lets it shine. But also allowing myself to express myself in the moment and get swept away.”
Driving the drums…
Z : 'Guilty' has a swaggering rock sound. Is this the next direction for MOSES?
MM: “Yes i hope so, cause I’m really enjoying this new direction!”
Early influences considered, that’s a positive sign for the way that things are going. Following ‘Almost Everything Is Bullshit’ (2020) and ‘I Still Believe! Do You?’’ (2022) The new MOSES LP is due at the end of this year.
Download / Stream Guilty by MOSES (songwhip.com)
instagram.com/mosesofficialpage/ * facebook.com/MosesOfficialPage