This Feeling - BIG in ‘22 (+ BIGGER!)
This Feeling Springs Into Summer 2022 - and beyond
The Shakes, photographed by Tom Oxley - Big In ‘22
BIG IN ‘22 LIVE SESSIONS SERIES, TEST TRANSMISSION event and multiple festival stages.
“It’s difficult to overstate just how important the grassroots music scene is to new bands.”
Tom Oxley, photographer to the stars (including the up and coming twinklers!)
“If you're going to see the emergence of a new great band you'll find them at This Feeling first.”
Carl Barât
Rock ‘n’ roll tastemakers, club night, record label and gig community - This Feeling - have teamed up with fellow new music champions and menswear specialists - scotts - to present the new Big In ‘22 live sessions series.
Big In ‘22 aims to kickstart the resurgence of the live music scene with a special initiative for artists “exploding outta lockdown”. This Feeling and scotts are currently hosting gigs by fourty rising names and will professionally record, mix and edit their sets.
Coco And The Lost at January’s packed out Big In 2022 live shows.
Both brands will then share the resulting videos on their socials, giving each artist a reach far beyond the audience in attendance.
The fertile environment of interdependence - in ACTION - is just one of the many boosts of a promoter that helps to drive the unbelievable twists and turns that our own story takes: Documenting the most genuine new guitar music movements in YEARS!
“It's been a mad couple of years but thanks to Scotts and Red Stripe we've emerged stronger than ever.
These Big in 2022 shows are testament to the talent coming through and the collective you gotta make it happen spirit of the bands - as well as the support we've been able to provide through a lockdown they're now exploding out of.”
Mikey Jonns, This Feeling Founder.
Happy Music People at Nambucca for Big In 22 show in January.
In addition to this heightened exposure, each artist will receive professional portraits and accompanying live images courtesy of the legendary music photographer Tom Oxley.
A pro shoot is another massive profile boost. If ya gonna perform, record, act, sound and be next level - it’s the full package to look it.
Tom has worked for no end of major entertainment industry and media, photographing countless music icons, from Arctic Monkeys to Adele.
He will also continue to mentor the young photographers that This Feeling work with, by providing priceless support and guidance. Noting that photographers are credited on the publicity artwork, everybody’s expanding their CV here. The now and next music industrious is a beautiful thing.
“It’s difficult to overstate just how important the grassroots music scene is to new bands. I’ve known Mikey Jonns at This Feeling for a long time, and I’ve seen just how good an ear he has for the best new bands, so when the opportunity arose to work on the 'Big In 2022' project, it was an instant decision to say yes.”
Travelling to all the different cities, watching all the new bands play, especially after such a torrid few years for everyone is genuinely wonderful. The bands absolutely love it, the crowd love it, anyone who is working in any capacity on the night loves it. Going to a night hosted by ’This Feeling’ to check out the best new bands is probably one of the best things you can do right now, and worth every single minute of your time.”
Tom Oxley
The Big In ‘22 series kicked off with Rolla. Manchester rock ‘n’ rollers who have just signed to Golden Robot Records and will record their debut EP at Rockfield Studios. Other artists already highlighted include The Shakes, Megan Wyn, Gen and the Degenerates, Lock-In and Coco and the Lost, all of whom have additionally been announced to play The Great Escape this May.
In my experience of this industry, I find This Feeling’s BIG IN… artist-love-promo-bundles to be an award of the practical kind needed right now.
Some formidable rising talents and one of the most exciting things about that is how many music fans in the audience are also in the know.
Been going to This Feeling for years and can confirm that The Zone is practically a nation of it’s own. Fitroy Holt is another of our golden threads and I’ve not caught his show.
Test Transmission happens on 1st March , DJ’d and hosted by another stalwart of TheZineUK documentary, John (Legend) Kennedy.
There are currently no tickets left to socialise at The Social.
Keep an eye on This Feeling and scotts socials (!) in case of ticket returns via and
This Feeling started life as a monthly club night in London fifteen years ago and has organically become the UK’s number one promoter of emerging acts. This Feeling’s events showcase new artists in 42 cities and towns around the UK, and they also curate stages at major festivals including Isle of Wight, The Great Escape and Truck. It’s no lie to say that some people find This Feeling’s stage and make it their home base at a festival. The alumni they’ve staged already is like who’s who of wooHOO!
With their ears to the ground when it comes to discovering the latest music, This Feeling is the place to hear the best new indie bands first. Bands who have played early shows with This Feeling include Inhaler, Bang Bang Romeo, The Skinner Brothers, Gerry Cinnamon, Crawler, Blossoms, The Struts, Easy Life, Yonaka, Black Honey and Red Rum.
This Feeling’s annual Big In… series is complemented by the release of a limited edition vinyl compilation album that raises money for the Teenage Cancer Trust. This year’s sold out within a day and was also a rare chance for most of the artists to exist on vinyl for posterity.
Absolutely chuffedasfuq that This Feeling’s Zone is buzzing at it’s strongest right now, despite everything in what passes as real life.
Paul Ramsdale, marketing manager at scotts, said,
“Big in 22 celebrates the next wave of British emerging talent, the shows have been a buzz of creative energies and pent-up celebration!
The next generation is here and ready to show everyone they deserve their opportunity to shine on stage. scotts are proud partners of This Feeling and play a part on the artists’ journey to stardom. The future of rock ‘n’ roll is in the safe hands of This Feeling, with a little help from scotts along the way. Here's to a big 2022!"
Shake? Shake.
As all the above is woven into this tapestry, TheZineUK documentary is one of the media with the pix and proof.
Literally a mix of pros and bloggers united in the photography pit at This Feeling Alive Electric Ballroom (December 2021 article: (r)Evolution - The Musical) - I am an amateur snapper and dig the support from This Feeling to keep trying.
Following up again, a.s.a.p.!
Come say hi. I’ll take your picture a bit blurry and call it “art”. xx