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The #ZeenageDaydreams Playlist: April

“Oi Dizz, where’s March’s playlist?” I hear you barking big dog - but we had the Expo in March (have you read all about it yet?) and as such we had a super exclusive March Playlist featuring our fave story stars - you can find it here.

These playlists only get more and more eclectic, the joy of TheZineUK not being a one-genre gatekeeper Indie-Only-Plz magazine, is that I get sent the best of all genres all the time, and that’s reflected in these playlists.

Starting off strong with the amazing I, Doris. They were the riot grrl band that teenage me would have worshipped at the alter of. Femme power at its best - and they’re playing Cro Cro Land this month? (Caffy talks about that here!) Folly Group up next with Strange Neighbour. A band I discovered at The Social’s Gig for Gaza #2 - a fantastic and high energy live set led me down a Spotify rabbithole. Reminding me of some of the best late 70’s/80’s punk bands - with synth! Talking of synths, Black Angel are giving big 80’s sleazy, sexier Sisters of Mercy-esque goodness on ‘Black velvet Amphetamine’.

The Great Leslie bring us back to the 2020’s with scuzzy guitars on I Like It Here, delivered with Galaxy milk chocolate silk vocals and a catchy chorus. Next is ZineUk faves Thebigbadsad. with Shake Me down… Okay, maybe we are a bit biased, but judging by the reaction at our Expo No:01, we're not the only ones. You’ll be hard pressed to find a sexier song outside of a Nine Inch Nails gig - just ask our #Stagestyle Queen Ruby Blue, who has made this a staple Pole workout song.

She Drew The Gun with Behave Myself next. Now THIS is a feminist anthem. “I will not behave myself” is a cry to reclaim womanhood, smash the patriarchy and do it whilst singing and dancing. Then, The Wytches with Unsure - the headliner of the aforementioned Gig for Gaza #2, sounding just as big and exciting as when they first burst onto the scene. Unsure is moody, bluesy goodness.

Bringing the tempo up with Cobra Mountain’s Rooftops - a foot tapper and a half, if you ask me. It’s a ridiculously catchy song, that will work its way into your subconscious from the first listen. Next - exploding into the political with Weather Underground’s Occupied England, with wall of sound production, experimental synthy stuff and the obligatory catchy chorus of an austerity pop song.

Desperate Journalist with Everything You Wanted - honestly surprised myself that it’s taken this long to add a D.J track onto these playlists. Everything You Wanted is hands down my favourite Desperate Journalist song to date, it’s giving 80’s post-punk sprinkled with gloriously sweet indie 100’s and 1000’s. S O F T next with TAXI, kitchen sink lyrics, chant-along chorus (hell even the verses), this band is gonna be massive.

Some punk rock from the US of A next with Vexx and Flattered Scenes. It’s like if Penelope Houston of The Avengers stepped into that machine in The Fly with Beki Bondage and emerged with heavy guitars and an attitude that can only come from Olympia. This, followed by another Cro Cro recommended band - Jemma Freeman and The Cosmic Something and ‘Huge’, there’s a echo of Siouxsie at her most punk, with riot grrl sensibilities and mosh pit inducing chaos guitars. We’ll be at the front for this one.

Last but by no means last is Estonia’s Junk Riot with Black Widow. Despite it being one of their older tunes, the super screaming guitar on the chorus and slurring punk vocals make it a proper anthem that can’t be overlooked.

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Fancy being on the #ZeenageDaydreams playlist for May? Just click here to email me with a link to your Spotify. It really is the best way to get your tracks heard by us!