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Conor Latcham: 'Running'

We speak to Conor Latcham who has recently released his single 'Running' and ask some pressing questions:

Q: Tell us, please, how long have you been making music?

“I started playing guitar and writing songs when I was around fourteen, to impress my brother and cousin who played the guitar. I’ll be twenty-eight this year and a lot has changed.”

What’s been some of your highlights so far on your musical journey?

"It’s hard to say because once the dust has settled on a great moment, it’s easy to forget how special it was. Having said that, finishing a great show is always a highlight, walking into the crowd, hugging anyone whose up for it, and having a drink. Preferably a free drink."

Your single is called 'Running'. What makes you run in the opposite direction?

"I found a dead rat in my garden yesterday. And admittedly I did need a bit of help putting it in a bin. Which Is a shame because I thought I was strong , independent and fearless… but I’m actually a coward."

Is there a meaning behind the song, 'Running'?

"Well it’s about the dynamics of a one-sided relationship. I think it’s something that everyone has experienced and It can be really horrible whichever side of the power struggle you’re on."

What albums do you never get tired of listening to?

"Well lately I just alternate between 3 playlists. ‘Conor’s DISCOvery’ ‘Conor’s Country Groove’, and ‘Conor’s Gangsta Groove’ (mostly 90s hip hop). They’re all on my Spotify if anyone wants to check em out, they’re amazing!”

What can we expect from you this year?

"At the very least- I’m gonna release music with better songwriting and production quality than anything I’ve put out before"

Interview by Kelly Munro, End Of The Trail Creative.